OF CONSEQUENCE joins hands with Harvard Book Store and Cohasset’s Paul Pratt Memorial Library to bring Phil Klay, author of the recently released Missionaries, and Tom Sleigh, author The Land Between Two Rivers: Writing in an Age of Refugees and House of Fact, House of Ruin, in a conversation about Klay’s book. How do we write about war without creating simple disaster porn, or a receptacle for cheap rage, or a self-glorifying monument to one's own moral sensibility? How do we not only bring war into focus "but make it so physically immediate that abstractions evaporate." What of the "wall" between those living under threat, and those living in security? These and other questions will be addressed by the authors in the context of Klay’s new book, Missionaries. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/of-consequence-avoiding-disaster-porn-with-phil-klay-and-tom-sleigh-tickets-123533109857